Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-grid-3] Designer/developer feedback on masonry layout (#10233)

Hi, I'm quite excited to see everyone discussing to finally make masonry happen !
I've read both Webkit and Chrome articles about the subject and after thinking about it :

- I believe masonry is a specific way of using grids, since it shares so much of their logic, so it should belong to the grid implementation (with `display: grid` and a `masonry` value or whatever name to activate it in specific grid properties)
  - Flexbox : 1 dimension
  - Grid : 2 dimensions
  - Masonry : Grid with a special kind of algo for one of the dimensions

- I really hope if the current Webkit proposal is implemented, we will also have a masonry option for columns (we might have to figure something out so it's not used for both columns and rows, as it might get messy) so we can make "horizontal" masonry sections.

- As a user said earlier in the thread, it might be very useful to be able to choose HOW masonry places the items (either by arranging the first row, then top to bottom, OR by arranging everything from inline-start to inline-end so we keep the "order" of elements intact, very needed for ordered content placed in a masonry grid)

That's it, that's my two cents, hope it can be useful to those who will get to work on the implementation ! 

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