Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-flexbox]: flex-direction: what about "bustrophedon" rows and columns?? (#10100)

> Can you give any examples of this sort of layout in existing displays?

So for you to understand that something is useful you need to see example of it already been used? No wonder the development of CSS is so slow.

I haven't looked for existing examples, but I did google for ways to achieve it and it's a **very commonly asked question**.

Here's a trivial use case. Say I want to make a gallery of photos of people and there are more than one picture per person (not a fixed amount of pictures per person). I want photos of the same person to be close to one another, so the photos will be ordered like A1, A2, B1, B2, B3, C1, D1, D2.... where Xn is the n-th photo of person X. Depending on the width of the container, there may be more or less pictures per row, so you can end up with the last picture in a row and the first picture in the next row belonging to the same person, but they'll be far apart because of the row break. If only I could have them arranged in a "bustrophedic" fashion, the first photo in a row would always be just below the last photo in the previous row. Like this:
A1 A2 B1    >>>
C1 B3 B2    <<<
D1 D2       >>>

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