Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-mixins] Disallow whitespace when matching `'<' transform-list '>'` (#10560)

As noted in #10558, disallowing whitespace in these places sets a precedent whereas it seems unambiguous to parse.

In my humble experience, spec authors often omit whitespace in various cases:

  - `a| b`
  - `<a><b>`
  - `[a b ]`
  - `fn( a b)`

They can all be parsed fine. I expect CSS authors to also omit whitespaces. This may be relaxed later, but perhaps they would appreciate some forgiving syntax.

I think functions are the only ambiguous case: there should be no whitespace between the expression representings its name and `(`. `@function` (or maybe later in `syntax` for `@property` and the first argument of `<attr()>`), does not allow representing them though.

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