Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-text][text-spacing] Extra spacing between ideographs and non-fullwidth punctuation/symbols (#9479)

> @xfq Thanks for the info. I haven't checked with JLREQ folks, but I don't think this is language dependent. If the text is "永永永12%永永永" then I believe Japanese expects spacing after "%" too.

I got this information from :

> 敏先生: アンバランスになる問題について:「これは12%です」という文で12の前は開けるが%の後は開けない、というのは日本語では普通。なので、アンバランスが即悪いわけではないのでは?(敏先生)

Although I'm not sure which bahaviour more common / expected.


> The complexity of handling punctuation and symbols is that it depends on the context, but supporting longer context slows down the layout engine quite severely.
> Imagine "永永永12%永永永" and "永永永X%永永永" with the CSS `text-autospace: ideograph-numeric`. Ideally, I hope you agree, we want the spacing after "%" for the first case but not for the second. Doing this requires more context than adjacent two characters, and this could be longer, such as "永永永mininum-maximum%永永永". They could also appear alone, such as when "how many % is this?" ("何%ですか?" in Japanese).
> It should be a bit simpler if CSS doesn't distinguish `ideograph-numeric` and `ideograph-alpha`, but even if we unite them, there are always edge cases, similar to the UAX#9 Bidi Algorithm isn't always perfect.


> The discussion should move to Unicode once the proposal is accepted, and I hope we can find a good balance of desired results, complexity, and performance there.

If this is language-dependant, it may be difficult to solve the problem at the Unicode level only. Also, if the rule is defined in a Unicode character property, it's very difficult to change.

IIRC it's on the agenda of UTC 178 this week, so let's see what the Unicode experts think about it.

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