Re: [csswg-drafts] [web-animations] proposal idea: animating non-element JS objects, `ObjectKeyframeEffect` and `Animator` API, or similar (#9974)

This sounds like Custom Effects indeed:

const someObject = {
  position: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}

const animation = new Animation();
animation.effect = new CustomEffect((progress) => {
 someObject.position.x = 200 * progress;
}, 3000);;

Could maybe be more ergonomic or could use a helper function to allow authors to be more direct and let them pass in something like `{ someObject.position: [{x: 0}, {x: 200}] }`.

> ([#]( I believe WebKit started implementing something like custom effects at one point.

Available in Safari behind a feature flag.

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