Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-contain] Style containment for counters (#9212)

@tabatkins Your expected behavior should actually be for this CSS:

div { counter-increment: foo }
div::before { content: counters(foo, ".") }

However, the testcase was incrementing on the pseudo-element, not the element itself, and the pseudo-element is in the subtree, so I think it should actually produce

1 (body > div::before)
  1.1 (body > div > :first-child::before)
    1.2 (body > div > :first-child > :first-child::before)
    1.3 (body > div > :first-child > :last-child::before)
  2 (body > div > :last-child::before)
    3 (body > div > :last-child > :first-child::before)
    4 (body > div > :last-child > :last-child::before)

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