Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-view-transitions-2] Declarative opt-in for cross-document navigations (#8048)

> I wouldn't do the same-doc thing in CSS at all, rather have this in JS - something like navigation.enableSameDocumentAutoViewTransitions = true which would make this whole thing somehow work magically with the navigation API

Ok. I'm fine with punting on this.

> Not sure yet, I don't think we're there but sounds OK for now.

Aren't we resolving on a syntax which requires an "and" relationship between the qualifiers? I figured that's why we should make sure this is fine right now.

> It's not strictly necessary. I think it was your suggestion to make it explicit when reading that this only applies to same origin navigation. I'm ok with also making it an implicit default.

I suggested this because it wasn't clear to me how the syntax will be extended to support same-site. Now that its more clearly laid out, it makes sense to be able to omit it.

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