Re: [csswg-drafts] Proposal: Custom CSS Functions & Mixins (#9350)

> > > Mixins return [...] rule blocks (including selectors and other at-rules)
> > > [...] mixins [...] would be resolved during variable substitution
> > 
> > 
> > Those two things are not compatible. But it's possible that we'll able to impose enough restrictions on this to make it feasible, and still get something useful. For example, limit mixins to only declarations, or only declarations and nested &-rules (which would allow your nested @supports example).
> Right, I assumed that they'd be applied before any value stages, essentially equivalent to doing a preprocessor. As far as I can tell there's nothing dynamic about mixins (save the values passed in themselves, but they're effectively just uniquely-named variables). (And note that we already established, back in the last attempt at `@apply`, that passing around declaration blocks via computed values is not viable.)

IIUC, it is a requirement that mixins can be applied across stylesheets, so that the connection between the mixin and the apply has to be re-done as new stylesheets are added and requires some cascade order definition for which mixin is found first for a given name.

As mentioned in a different post I think this can be challenging for an implementation if we allow selectors inside the mixin. At least if the mixin contains a selector which becomes part of multiple nested selectors.

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