Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-variables-2] Custom units as simple variable desugaring (#7379)

I do not have a personal interest for this feature (I came across this issue to report the following potential oversights) but it seems a bit unfortunate to me to introduce a slight inconsistenty in the way a custom variable is referenced: one would be able to specify `width: 1--fem` but not `color: --primary`.

The oversights/suggestions:

  - `<custom-property-name>` may be preferable to `<dashed-ident>` to avoid confusing values like `margin: 2-- 1px`
  - whitespaces probably need to be disallowed between `<dimension>` and the custom unit
  - the spec should define that `/**/` must be inserted when serializing a specified value
  - the spec should define that a property including a custom unit is valid at parse time

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