Re: [csswg-drafts] Interpolate values between breakpoints (#6245)

As a more generalized problem: we are designing for fluid media when designing for the web, yet we lack a way to control how styles interpolate across that fluid media.

Typography illustrates a specific need here as ensuring optimum readability is a function of changing sizing and spacing with changes in measure (width). Additionally the proportion between headings / body copy increases with measure. The optimal relationship is usually non-linear.

HOWEVER, typography is not the only need. More fluid layout changes and media scaling may be desirable. @lynnandtonic designed her whole website around this interpolation approach in 2021:

I love the idea of a `position-of` function (and don't think it should be clamped as you might want to query how far out of bounds something is). I proposed abstracting scroll timelines so timelines could be more general purpose a while back, and they could be bound to scroll, container width, or something else with a custom property. My strong opinion remains with needing more control over interpolation of styles with container inline size, not with the means to this end.

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