Re: [csswg-drafts] Interpolate values between breakpoints (#6245)

> What if we worked around the animation issues by using a new property, e.g. interpolation, and then get all the benefits of this method while avoiding the baggage?

@ydaniv I don't think that quite works. The animation origin exists because styles from `@keyframes` don't belong to a selector, but have to go somewhere in the cascade – and have to override the styles that would be applied otherwise (by selectors). Even with a new property name, we still have those issues.

Taking the spirit of that approach, tho – what if we had ways to 'reach into' keyframes from declarations? Something like `from-keyframes(typography, 50%)`. I'm not sure that's possible or reasonable, but the idea is to grab a keyframe-interpolation value and insert it into the cascade directly?

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