Re: [csswg-drafts] Hanging punctuation should include hyphens, particularly those used with justify [css-text-3] [css-text-4] (#9329)

> My impression is that what we're really wanting here in most cases isn't hanging punctuation, it's optical alignment of the glyphs at the start/end of the line.

This is the case for the example in the third reference, but for the hyphens I found the 50% hanging to be usually preferable:

<img width="81" alt="Cropped screenshot of the example showing the right edge with the hyphens half-hanging over the text box's edge." src="">

While this _can_ be considered _optical_ alignment, I'd argue that any hanging punctuation can be treated as such if we squint hard enough.

Speaking of, as a fun sidenote anecdote, the way I did implement the hanging hyphens on web in the past was by modifying the font box of the hyphens in the font, adding `&shy;` wrapped in a span and assigning that modified font to these spans. A _very_ convoluted work-around, with alternatives, at the time, having some crossbrowser issues ([bug1](, [bug2](

Having a native control over this would be really nice, as it would remove the necessity for these kinds of hacks.

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