Re: [csswg-drafts] Hanging punctuation should include hyphens, particularly those used with justify [css-text-3] [css-text-4] (#9329)

@kizu For optical alignment, my thought is that the best place to define it would be the font itself, like in a "start edge to X" pairs kerning table. And have a switch to enable that in CSS. (Idk if OpenType has such a thing... or even if it does, if any fonts implement it.) Because the amount by which you want to hang depends a lot on the design of the glyph.

> While this can be considered optical alignment, I'd argue that any hanging punctuation can be treated as such if we squint hard enough.

Kinda sorta, but there's a difference between "hang this character 100% outside the bounds" and "find an appropriate amount to hang it so it looks good". CJK mostly uses the latter, because it's gridded. But for Latin, we find it happening sometimes e.g. on pull quotes in particular, but that's usually a first/last thing rather than a start-edge/end-edge thing.

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