Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-view-transitions-2] Creating 'classes' of transition groups (#8319)

> in order for it to work reliably in frameworks, you need to assign a key to elements so the diffing algorithm has a fighting chance of getting it right. And, if you're having to assign a key, you may as well assign a `view-transition-name`.

Rewinding a little bit back: I’m OK with having `view-transition-group` _by itself_ work on only SPA.

When it is set:
- The `view-transition-name` would be defined automagically
- The value of the `view-transition-group` would be targetable within the pseudos. This would mean that the value must be unique among `view-transition-group` and `view-transition-name`.
::view-transition-new(card) {

.card {
  view-transition-group: card;

To make this work with MPA, I think the solution lies in _(dynamically construct `<ident>`s)_ combined with `attr()`.

::view-transition-new(card) {

.card {
  view-transition-group: card;
  view-transition-name: ident("card-", attr(id));

This way, across pages, the same `view-transition-name` can be given to the correct elements, without needing to duplicate a bunch of CSS. In SPA it can also be used, but is not mandatory, due to the automatic `view-transition-name` generation I mentioned earlier.

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