Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-multicol] What is the max-content width of a muticol container with only column-width:<length> (#9103)

@rachelandrew yup, your description of the behaviors matches my observations in my previous comment (though you stated it more clearly than I -- thanks!)

RE what behavior we'd like here: the Firefox behavior is at least simple and understandable.   I'm happy to consider even-more-reasonable behaviors if they're not too complex/expensive, but I think the Chromium/WebKit behavior for the `column-count:auto` scenario ends up using a width that's pretty arbitrary and doesn't make much sense.  The arbitrariness is particularly noticeable when the content is all on one line, as demonstrated by my [above-linked jsfiddle](, and in [this abbreviated version of Rachel's codepen]( Screenshot of that pen in Chrome -- notice all the awkward blank space on the right, and the text wrapping at ~2.5 lines per column:
Chrome is sizing the container to the max-content width of the content-as-if-it-were-a-regular-block (i.e. the length of that line of text); and as you can see in the screenshot, that's not at all related to how wide the content actually ends up being, when laid out in a multicol setting with specified-width columns.  So it's not really a meaningful/useful max-content measurement for this container.

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