Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-values-4][css-color] Addition of `<color>` is way underspecified. (#8576)

The math for src-over compositing in RGB is (SourceChannel * alpha) + (DestChannel + (1 - alpha)) (where alpha is 0 to 1), which looks like interpolation to me, but I accept it likely gets more interesting in other color spaces and with gamma correction, etc.  But that's not my main point, and I was only echoing ChrisL there. 

My point is that I think interpolating the colors during additive animations is the right approach after all (regardless of the actual math and if it's equivalent to composition or not). There are many cases where people animate something else and color together. When multiple of those animations run together, the 'something else' properties often make sense for additive animations. In that case, all the color animations should still apply, and the colors should still animate in a way that's not going to surprise the author (like only using one of the color animations or changing the color discretely).

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