Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-values-4][css-color] Addition of `<color>` is way underspecified. (#8576)

> The math for src-over compositing

Right, that uses the mathematical structure of interpolation, but it's not *the interpolation process that animation refers to*, a la "mix these two colors, with a progress % of X". That's what I mean; it's still a completely distinct process.

> My point is that I think interpolating the colors during additive animations is the right approach after all 

No, interpolation (that is, real, normal interpolation) is absolutely not what you want. It's not even well-founded - when writing an additive animation you're specifying the values as *deltas* rather than absolute values, so they're totally different data types than what you specify in a normal animation. (They just use the same unit, so they're easily confuseable.)

Like, specifying a wiggle transform might involve animating from `transformX(-10px)` to `transformX(10px)` repeatedly; you don't want to actually interpolate that with a normal slide-in animation from `transformX(0)` to `transformX(1000px)`. Same applies to colors. We don't have a delta type for colors, but I suppose compositing gives you a similar result.

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