Re: [csswg-drafts] published specs are weeks/months out of date with repo sources (#8809)

OK, for the record here, it seems I had been getting routed to (which I assume must be the old server) but now I’m finally getting consistently routed to (which I assume must be the correct server, the new proxy).

I have no idea how I “fixed” it — all I did was to run a few tools like dig, traceroute, and mtr.

I hope it was in fact just some weird local issue, and not something caused by some broader network problem that other people (e.g., other people in Japan where I’m connecting from) might also run into. Because if they did run into it, it likely wouldn’t be obvious to them that they were seeing stale content.

Would it be possible to shut down the server so that anybody else who might be still getting routed to it now would see hard 404s rather than stale content?

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