Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-ui] ? Allow <textarea> to be sized by contents. (#7542)

My concerns are with textarea that add extra padding/margins/borders to it. Using `max-content` doesn't help if I use padding around it. My (newer) textareas look like this (apologies for the low contrast):



That's so I can shift the resizable part to the corner on both sample. Outlined sample (bottom) uses an upper padding to not bleed into the label when scrolling.

I can enforce a minrow and maxrow, keep padding, while letting users manually resize anywhere between those two values. The CSS looks like:

#control[minrows] {
  min-block-size: calc((var(--min-rows) * var(--line-height))
    + var(--control__margin-top)
    + var(--control__padding-top)
    + var(--control__padding-bottom)
    + var(--control__margin-bottom)

#control[maxrows] {
  max-block-size: calc((var(--max-rows) * var(--line-height))
    + var(--control__margin-top)
    + var(--control__padding-top)
    + var(--control__padding-bottom)
    + var(--control__margin-bottom)

(`--line-height` = `1lh`)

But that doesn't handle automatic sizing, just bounds. That's kinda where I'm worried. Right now, I'm not happy with the maintainability of the JS code. It's basically, add a a number to `[rows]` until it stops layout shifting. I suppose a CSS only solution would be:

block-size:  calc(??? * var(--line-height))
    + var(--control__margin-top)
    + var(--control__padding-top)
    + var(--control__padding-bottom)
    + var(--control__margin-bottom)

Unless, I'm missing something in the discussion here. I would need something injectable:

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