Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-grid] Control size of individual gutters independently (#1659)

I'll note that variable-sized gaps directly impacts our ability to do gap images (#2748) in anything remotely similar to a `border-image` style. I think it's an either/or proposition.

To expand on this, border-image requires specifying 4 stretchable/tileable images, one for each side because the sides can be different sizes. These four sides intersect at four corners, so you need 4 corner images as well. (Conveniently, we can combine these 8 images into a single image that we slice up.)

Gap images will require 6 images for the "straight" sections - two endcaps and one stretchable/tileable part each, for the two axises. Then you need images for the intersections as well - I *think* you end up needing 17 to fully cover the intersection possibilities.

If gaps can vary in size, tho, the number of potentially needed images blows up multiplicatively, and the syntax space for assigning the images to particular gaps gets real funky.

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