Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-nesting-1] Invalid nested selectors (#7503)

  > As currently written, `::before&` is invalid as the selectors grammar only allows `<pseudo-class-selector>` after it.

Right, sorry. Thanks for considering allowing it.

  > I'm not sure why your comment says "::before + :is(span) is invalid"; it's definitely valid per Selectors grammar.

I may be misunderstanding [3.6.5. Internal Structure](

  > Some pseudo-elements are defined to have internal structure. These pseudo-elements may be followed by child/descendant combinators to express those relationships. Selectors containing combinators after the pseudo-element are otherwise invalid.

So the explicit answer to my question is: if the prelude of a nested style rule is invalid (after desugaring `&`), the whole nested style rule is invalid. Ok, thanks!

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