Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-transitions] Transition to height (or width) "auto" (#626)

> This fails to consider that even if height: auto makes the element be 507px tall, the behavior can be different than with height: 507px. In particular, if a child has a percentage, it will be cyclic for auto, but not for 507px, see So how should this child behave during the transition?

Thank you for giving an example of what that actually means.

The behavior being different despite the sizes of the divs being identical is not something I expected. Honestly, I would consider that to be a bug, either in the browser, or in the spec itself. Identically sized elements with identical children *should* result in identical outcomes, regardless of how those sizes are specified.

But since that's not the case, it looks like a work around is indeed necessary unless we're willing to look at fixing that severe inconsistency in the spec. But that would be a new ticket altogether. Perhaps a very worthwhile one.

Regardless, I'm still in support of keeping it as simple as possible.


Perhaps as an alternative to creating a new difficult to intuit function, what of creating an alternative keyword to `auto`? Something that results in identical sizing to `auto` (or as close as possible), however, it's **non-cyclic** and is treated the same as a pixel value would be, and can be transitioned to and from just as any pixel value can be.

A keyword like `auto-size` or something?

It wouldn't even need to behave identically to `auto`, just be good enough that it can be treated similarly in designs and worked with for transitions. It could even be beneficial for other uses where cyclical problems arising from `auto` might want to be avoided.

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