Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-text] What does the `white-space-collapse` apply to when white-space trimming/positioning (#9724)

It does apply to the spaces, not the the line or the whole block. `white-space-collapse` and `text-wrap-mode` are explicitly defined as applied to text, not to blocks, and that's deliberate.

If towards the end of a line you've got some spaces that cannot hang followed by some spaces that can, then only the ones that can hang get to hang, and the others do not. Similarly, if you've got some non collapsible spaces followed by some collapsible spaces at the end of the line, then step 3 gets rids of the collapsible spaces, and those other non collapsible spaces remain. 

If it is the other way around, and you've got a sequence of collapsible spaces followed by a sequence of non collapsible spaces, then the sequence of collapsible spaces aren't at the end of the line (the non-collapsible ones are), and so step 3 doesn't discard them.

Similarly, if you've got some spaces that can hang, followed by some that cannot, then none of them hang, because the spaces at the end of the line aren't hangable, and those that are hangable aren't at the end of the line.

I feel like the case with collapsible and non collapsible isn't even that hard to construct:

code {
  white-space: pre;
  font-family: monospace; /* not important, just to make it realistic */
  background: lightgray; /* not important, just to make it realistic */
  In Makefiles, do no confuse sequences of spaces like <code>        </code>
  with tabs like <code>&#9;</code> as they have a different behavior
  even if they look the same.
If the line ends so that there's room for the code element and a little more, but not enough for the next word, then you've got a collapsible space followed by the non collapsible sequence of spaces of the code element, followed by the collapsible space after the code element, at the end of the line. In this case, you remove the collapsible space after the code element, and keep both the non collapsible spaces in the code element (they're not collapsible) and the collapsible space before it (it's not at the end of the line).

I feel like realistic examples with hangable / non hangable spaces are a tad more difficult to construct (at least in English), but the logic is the same.

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