Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-fonts-5] font-size-adjust and font metrics overrides (#8967)

I see where the confusion is coming from.

> The font-size-adjust property is applied after the size-adjust descriptor.

This sounds like the size-adjust descriptor was applied first, and then the font-size-adjust property was applied. However, my proposal and the current browser's implementation sound the opposite. (i.e., `font-size-adjust` first, then the descriptor)
I think the spec description above is a bit misleading. When the `size-adjust` descriptor and the `font-size-adjust` property are co-used, a conflict is caused since they both define the same font scaling factor. The spec resolves the conflict by preceding `font-size-adjust` over the `size-adjust` descriptor. (i.e., font-size-adjust overrides size-adjust). Actually, that does not mean `font-size-adjust` is applied after `size-adjust` is applied.

On the other hand, `font-size-adjust` and metric overrides define different font scaling factors, and they can be co-used. But we need to clarify the order in which they apply. (This is what we are doing here.) The current Gecko and Blink apply `font-size-adjust` first and then do the font metric override descriptor to the adjusted font size.

I don't know the authors' original intention and whether we have a general ordering rule to resolve this conflict. But I think we can clarify the order in the spec, adopting the current browser implementations if we agree.

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