Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-animations-2] there should be a way to set the effect-wide easing for a CSS Animation (#6982)

> How would setting the iteration-wide easing inside a keyframe work? Would it reset the progress from that point? If not, what use-cases would that serve?

It would not be a valid property inside a keyframe, like other animation affecting properties.

> > So I think to do this we would have to have an `auto` value which would compute equivalent to linear except that it wouldn't trigger ignoring `animation-timing-function`.
> If we add another `auto` wouldn't that be a problem in the `animation` shorthand?

If we used auto, I'd propose it is only specified through omission.

> > For a slightly different proposal, we could treat animation-easing as a set-to-linear shorthand for animation-timing-function.
> I thought that was the initial proposal. You mean it would treat the `linear` value as "auto" until `animation-easing` is explicitly specified?

I'm a bit confused here. If animation-easing is unspecified, then the animation easing will be linear (as it is today), and the animation-timing-function will have its default ease value unless another is specified by the developer. If the developer sets `animation-easing: linear` my thinking was that we would want to then replace the initial `animation-timing-function: ease` value with `animation-timing-function: linear` as well to respect the specified linear. This requires that the initial "linear" value and the specified "linear" value are handled differently.

> Another option we can consider for solving the shorthand problem is using a new ["mode" property like I suggested above](

I'm not a fan of changing the interpretation of the timing function, but accept this may be the direction we have to go here.

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