Re: [csswg-drafts] [scroll-animations-1] blocking effects of timeline-scope (#8915)

The CSS Working Group just discussed `[scroll-animations-1] blocking effects of timeline-scope`.

<details><summary>The full IRC log of that discussion</summary>
&lt;dael> astearns: On the agenda to confirm we do want style containers to block timeline names from escaping. Is it continer queries or style queries?<br>
&lt;dael> florian: Continer query on which style is based?<br>
&lt;dael> astearns: Anyone have a better handle on this?<br>
&lt;dael> florian: Superficially this seems fine to me<br>
&lt;dael> astearns: We had already resolved we'd not allow timelines to escape a conteiner of some kind<br>
&lt;dael> miriam: Contianment for container queries includes style. If you set up an inline size container you are implicitly adding style containment. That's scope the timeline name<br>
&lt;dael> flackr: And that seemed unnecessary restriction and might want to scope the layout that has containment<br>
&lt;dael> astearns: From my recollection we have other names that don't leak. I think just doing this to be consistent?<br>
&lt;dael> florian: I think...I think it would be appropriate to spend more time on this. Containment is not just useful behavior, but guar. that certain constraints are matched. Just because we can't immediately find a case where there's a problem doesn't mean there isn't one.<br>
&lt;flackr> qq+<br>
&lt;dael> florian: If we build this and the web depends on it but it doesn't work that breaks container queries. We don't want to defeat containment by doing this.<br>
&lt;dael> vlad: I think this is an observation that lets us skip work in subtree. If these names escape the work becomes necessary<br>
&lt;dael> flackr: Agree. If we want to leak butter to say size containment doesn't require strict style containment<br>
&lt;dael> flackr: Issue came about b/c using a container query<br>
&lt;dael> florian: Types of containment don't have dependency, but continer queries use both<br>
&lt;dael> flackr: I think that's what we're getting at, the core. You shoudl be able to leak names even if have container<br>
&lt;dael> florian: So style is strict but not invoked<br>
&lt;dael> miriam: Have to do part b/c counters escaping<br>
&lt;dael> flackr: Need to think through<br>
&lt;dael> florian: That means breaking style containment into two things. One is involked by container and the other is not but is by content visbility.<br>
&lt;dael> florian: I suspect explicit values are better if we go there<br>
&lt;dael> astearns: We're not going to get to a resolution today. Let's take it back to the issue and try and work this through<br>

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