Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-ui] appearance: base to enable interoperable styling of controls/components (#5998)

So the [resolution above]( was initially this:

`Proposed resolution: This functionality be pursued as an attribute instead of a CSS property, and CSS adds a mechanism to detect an element in this mode in a browser that has support for it`

and I think the second part got accidentally (based on the detailed notes) left off the resolution. Does that sound right?

If so, we need to add a new attribute to HTML that enables interoperable styling on controls that wear it. And we need to add a pseudo class to CSS that matches when an element supports interoperable styling. That leaves a few questions:

1. What should the name of the attribute be? By itself, `base` seems wrong. It made sense when it was `appearance:base`, but just `base` as an attribute feels hard to understand. How about something like `interoperable`? That feels too long, but at least it explains what it's trying to do.
2. What should the name of the pseudo class be? Perhaps just the same as the name of the attribute? E.g. `input[interoperable]:interoperable`?
3. How does this attribute interact with `appearance`? There would seem to be two possibilities. One is that `input[interoperable] {appearance:auto}` and `input[interoperable] {appearance:none}` both render the same way, with an interoperable spec-defined set of styles and DOM structure. The other is that only `appearance:none` does that, and `appearance:auto` is still up to the UA to define. I think I prefer the former, but I'm not sure.

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