Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-color-4] [css-color-5] inconsistent mentions of powerless components in `white`. (#8609)

I appreciate that @facelessuser 🙇 
I could have taken more time to try and understand your feedback and will do so in the future.


To circle back to the question:

> So for example, oklch(100% 50% 0deg) will display as white but will interpolate as though its chroma is 50% and its hue matches the other color's?

No, this was recently edited so that only `0` chroma results in a powerless hue component.

Even then, powerless components are not treated as missing unless there is also color space conversion.

current specification :

current specification :
- `0%` or `100%` lightness doesn't make any component powerless
- `0` chroma makes the hue component powerless

`100%` lightness :
- `color-mix(in oklch, oklch(100% 50% 60deg), oklch(50% 50% 0deg))`
- nothing is powerless
- is a simple linear interpolation of components
- result is `oklch(75% 50% 30deg)` or roughly `rgb(255, 125, 104)`

`0%` chroma  :
- `color-mix(in oklch, oklch(75% 0% 60deg), oklch(75% 50% 0deg))`
- hue is powerless
- everything is already `oklch`
- result is `oklch(75% 25% 30deg)` or roughly `rgb(230, 150, 136)`

`0%` chroma and different color space  :
- `color-mix(in lch, oklch(75% 0% 60deg), oklch(75% 50% 0deg))`
- hue is powerless
- inputs are `oklch` but mixing in `lch`
- hue becomes missing
- hue isn't interpolated, instead it is taken from the other color
- result is `oklch(0.75 0.1 30)` or roughly `rgb(226, 147, 171)`

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