Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-logical] Interpretation of two values in logical border-X-Y-radius properties for vertical writing-mode is illogical (#9217)

I agree with you that it is illogical that the first value of the border-start-start-radius property is applied to the horizontal axis in both horizontal-tb and vertical-lr writing modes. The logical meaning of the property is to define the radius of the corner between the block-start and inline-start sides of the element, regardless of the writing mode. However, the physical meaning of the property is to define the radius of the corner between the top and left sides of the element, regardless of the writing mode.

The reason for this behavior is that the border-start-start-radius property is a legacy property that was defined before the concept of writing modes was introduced to CSS. As a result, the property was not designed to take into account the different ways that text is laid out in different writing modes.

There are a few solutions to this problem. One solution is to use the border-radius property instead of the border-start-start-radius property. The border-radius property takes four values, one for each corner of the element. This allows you to specify the radius of each corner independently of the writing mode.

Another solution is to use the writing-mode property to switch to a writing mode where the logical and physical axes are the same. For example, **you could switch to the vertical-rl writing mode**, in which case the border-start-start-radius property would behave as expected.

Finally, you could also write a custom CSS rule that maps the values of the border-start-start-radius property to the appropriate physical axes based on the writing mode. This would be the most complex solution, but it would give you the most control over the behavior of the property.

I hope this helps!

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