Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-logical] Interpretation of two values in logical border-X-Y-radius properties for vertical writing-mode is illogical (#9217)

It's like that because logical and physical properties share a computed value.

Now it may be too late to change the behavior, but some ideas:
 - Turn these into shorthands, so e.g. `border-start-start-radius: 1em 2em` would expand to `border-start-start-radius-inline: 1em; border-start-start-radius-block: 2em`, and then in a ltr vertical-lr wm map these to `border-top-left-radius-y: 1em; border-top-left-radius-x: 2em`, equivalent to `border-top-left-radius: 2em 1em`.
 - Make the computed value more complicated, e.g. `<length-percentage> <length-percentage> logical?`. The `logical` keyword would not be part of the grammar, it would just be an internal flag set when the value came from a declaration for a logical property. Depending on this flag, layout would treat the values as horizontal and vertical, or inline and block. Serializing the computed value could produce empty string if the property doesn't match the flag, or check the wm to reorder the values.

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