Re: [csswg-drafts] [selectors] Custom state pseudo class proposal (#4805)

The CSS Working Group just discussed `[selectors] Custom state pseudo class proposal`, and agreed to the following:

* `RESOLVED: Change from -- to state`

<details><summary>The full IRC log of that discussion</summary>
&lt;dael_> jarhar: I was working on getting this spec. Has :-- custom name syntax. Suggestion was :state instead of :-- for custom name. Turns out there was discussion in 2020<br>
&lt;dael_> jarhar: I don't have a strong opinion. I wish [missed] was here to state his case.<br>
&lt;dael_> jarhar: Previous resolution minutes ^<br>
&lt;dael_> astearns: Whatwg issue sounds like the idea is that it's more consistent with :part<br>
&lt;dael_> fantasai: oriol posted ac omment that :--was discussed for another kind of custom selector?<br>
&lt;dael_> TabAtkins: Yeah. For like saying :--heading that was eq. of h1, h2 etc. Having the clash isn't ideal, though doable<br>
&lt;dael_> astearns: Always favor a name over ascii gibberish to make it easier to see what you're trying to do. not a strong opinion<br>
&lt;dael_> TabAtkins: Looking at the discussion where we decided, looks like everybody was unenthusiastic. If we decide to revert to :state I think that's fine<br>
&lt;dael_> TabAtkins: Counter argument was from plinss who wanted it not to be too distinct. The --makes it look like a normal pseudo class. I don't have a big opinion<br>
&lt;dael_> astearns: We could resolve to change to :state which makes it easier to get through whatwg. plinss can raise a new issue if he chooses<br>
&lt;dael_> fantasai: I think it makes more sense. We use --names when declaring, but not when pulling information from another system. Makes sense to not use -- for this case from what I understand it to be<br>
&lt;florian> +1<br>
&lt;dael_> astearns: Anyone want to wait on a resolution to make sure plinss is on board?<br>
&lt;fantasai> seems more consistent with ::higlight() also<br>
&lt;dael_> astearns: Objections to changing from -- to state<br>
&lt;dael_> RESOLVED: Change from -- to state<br>
&lt;dael_> astearns: Thanks jarhar<br>

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