Re: [csswg-drafts] [scroll-animations] Broader scope of scroll timelines (#7759)

> Your example would declare a named timeline foo (presumably for later definition), and would define a named timeline bar (presumably to attach to a prior declaration).

Good, that's what I assumed the meaning would be.

> With -root defaulting to none, wouldn't that leave -name: --tl; -axis: x; in a limbo state because it has no -root to attach to?

Not in limbo, it would just mean you're searching for a `-root: --tl` on an ancestor. If there is none, then there's nothing to attach to, and the properties have no effect. (Or it implicitly creates a root on the element; either behavior works.)

> There's no need to specify -root and -name on the same element unless you explicitly don't want the -name to be propagated up to a higher root.

I think you are, then, just describing the "search for an ancestor establishing a root of the same name, and if that fails, create a root on yourself" behavior, yeah?

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