Re: [csswg-drafts] Browser zoom unit for accessibility [css-values-and-units] (#6869)

>Note that window.devicePixelRatio comes super close to the proposed zoom. You could hack all this together today if we had a window.intrinsicDevicePixelRatio property that reflected devicePixelRatio at 100% cmd +/- zoom.

I've tried it, trying to get a 10mm touch target to stay consistent with page zoom. You can see it works here:

But that's because desktop browsers are (likely), 96dpi. That goes out the window with mobile devices. Also iPad says 2 always, despite it being closer to 1.7 IIRC. It's a proof-of-concept (don't use it in production).


I tried to work on these issues back in 2019, most specifically an font accessibility issue present on all Android devices and heavily impacting PWAs. Working on Apple has a suitable workaround (`-apple-system-body`). I'm primarily interested in the accessibility aspect personally. Layout is secondary for me, but I recognize its importance.

A F2F meeting in 2019 concluded the resolution was to put *something* in `<meta viewport>`. IMO, It should start from there and we can build on after. Problem is, that aspect has stalled. I was hoping somebody can help get this back on track.

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