Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-animations][css-transitions][css-gradients] Higher level CSS interpolation module (#5617)

The author (@brumm) of a [shadow easing tool]( has an [open source function]( that we could emulate a CSS version after:

const values = eaze(2, {
  value: 10,
  easing: easings.linear,
// [ [5], [10] ]

where in CSS we could have (straw man syntax):

easeValues(3, 0px to 10px, linear)
/* 0px, 5px, 10px */

it wouldn't pacify uses case like `text-shadow`, `box-shadow` etc because those need more than lengths, they need full values like `0 0 5px black`, and I don't think we could support use cases like that..?

box-shadow: easeValues(5,
  0 2.8px 2.2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.02) 
  0 100px 80px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.07),

could it? it almost starts to look like keyframes. and that also doesnt quite fulfill the use case of that shadow tool.. because it's using easing on the `y`, `blur` and `color` values with different easings. the above pseudo code would give all 3 the same easing, creating a different visual effect that's not as good.

just sharing my thoughts!

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