Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-lists] [css-pseudo] need to define blockification of outside markers / interaction of display: inline list-item with list-style-position (#6440)

> if we agree that `display: inline list-item` ignores `list-style-position`

I agree, and already says

> If the list item is an inline box: this value is equivalent to inside.

Why do you want to do it at used-value time? Blockifications happen at computed-value time in other cases, so it seems inconsistent.

> mostly to prevent the case where we have a block element like `<details>` with `display: inline list-item` and fail to blockify the marker

But I don't think it should be blockified in that case, because `list-style-position: outside` will behave as `inside`?

OK, I see that in Firefox the marker is still outside in `<details style="display: inline list-item; list-style-position: outside;">` even though it produces an inline box. Why?

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