Re: [csswg-drafts] [mediaqueries] Account for minimum font size in relative length media queries (#5858)

Minimum font-size does not affect em/rem lengths in computed values on elements. Blink aligned with Firefox for M79 fixing [308862]( The reason for fixing it was that a minimum font-size would break a lot of real-world layouts. We discovered that when there was a bug which accidentally wrote a minimum font-size of 6px from the settings UI and we got many reports about it.

The typical failing sites would set the font-size on the html element to a size lower than the minimum font-size expecting rem units for other elements to not be affected by the minimum font-size.

So, I don't think the statement about relative units in the first comment is accurate. At least not for Chrome or Firefox. The width and height of this box is 100px regardless of minimum font-size:

  div { font-size: 1px; width: 100em; height; 100em; background: green }

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