Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-grid] Indefinite spans (#388)

I like `span-minmax()` for allowing to clamp the track spanning, though that seems to deserve its own issue and doesn't solve the initially stated use case of always spanning up to the last track no matter whether it's implicit or explicit.

For what it's worth, my initial use case was to rebuild a tax declaration form (see e.g., which has a line number at the beginning of each row. And each row has a bunch of text and input fields. As the form should be responsive, the text input fields could break into multiple lines.

My idea back then was to use a grid for each line and let the line number element span the whole line.

There are surely other ways to achieve this, though there are definitely similar use cases, in which it is required to let items span 'til the last track.


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