Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-ruby] replaced annotation containers and base containers are nonsensical (#6000)

While I think the spec needs to handle this situation in some way, I am not strongly attached to the particular way we just resolved on, and your suggestion seems good: saying that such elements should be treated as display inline, and letting the box fix-up give them appropriate parents. That would be inline with what the table spec does since

I suppose that we could solve this generically by having this requirement in in css-display in the section (loosely inspired by the text at the end of

> When the 'display' property of a [=replaced element=] computes to one of the [=layout-internal=] values, it is handled  as having a used value of ''display/inline''. White space collapsing and anonymous box generation must happen around those replaced elements based on that ''display/inline'' value, as if they never had a [=layout-internal=] display value applied to them. 
> Advisement: Authors should not assign a [=layout-internal=] display value to [=replaced elements=].

Then, css-ruby (and css-tables) could just refer to it.

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