Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-sizing-4] Should contain-intrinsic-size be used for min-height: auto? (#5537)

I was highlighting in these tests the difference between `content-intrinsic-size`+`aspect-ratio` and `img[width][height]`+`width:100%;height:auto`. In other words, the difference between an explicit intrinsic size/aspect ratio and implicit intrinsic size/aspect ratio of a native replaced element. In layman's terms I don't see why these two cases should be so different. And I also dislike that conceptually the `min-height: auto` takes precedence over the explicitly specified `aspect-ratio`. 

That being said, I understand that there might be some in-depth differences between replaced and non-replaced elements that justify the two issues are mentioned above. And as you mention, the fix is quite simple. Thus I don't feel very strongly that this must be resolved the way I describe. But for posterity, it might be good to clarify replaced-vs-non-replaced differences here.

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