Re: [csswg-drafts] Let’s Define CSS 4 (#4770)

I'll chime in too, in support of a CSS 4 umbrella, and even a CSS 5 one too. Or a year-based one, like ES. Anything, as long as it's a single, marketable number (or even word, like OSX versions, that'd be fine too!).
Yes, it's entirely marketing, and that's fine. That's what propelled CSS 3 forwards, and there was no such thing either. People need a term to put on their CVs, otherwise it's less attractive to them to invest time in learning the technology. People need a buzzword to convince their managers. I disagree with Rachel's point that this implies that specs are ready. CSS3 gained traction far before the specs were ready, or even in decent shape!
I don't think it's confusing to have a language version and module versions. Think of it this way: Software consists of packages and has versioning that is separate from the versions of its packages. Perhaps we can see it similarly?

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Received on Thursday, 5 March 2020 07:23:23 UTC