Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-ruby] Align ruby with line head or line end (#4857)

I agree with @kojiishi about simple ruby. Unlike clreq, it says that you should *not* align both the base and annotation to the line edge, only the longer of the two.

The behavior discussed in the opening comment, as well as the behavior recommended in simple ruby, is currently allowed, but not required, by the css-ruby spec in

My suggestion would be to continue to leave it up to implementations for now (and implementations could chose to do this in Chinese but not Japanese if they want to), close this issue with no change, and if we really need control over it, we can later add a new property in ruby level 2, with an initial value of auto.

Defining the various variants of line-edge ruby alignment properly would need to give more details about how overhang works (and that too is currently up to the user agent), and probably needs to interact with optical alignment questions, and that seems like too much for level 1.

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Received on Wednesday, 3 June 2020 05:30:13 UTC