Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-color-4] Do gradients/animations using lab/lch colors interpolate in the Lab colorspace? (#4647)

I sound like someone with strong opinions and no facts 😅 

My reasoning for preferring a linear light default space for interpolating (and by extension, general compositing of layers) is primarily that you maintain energy preservation when doing compositing
- You get much more perceptually uniform blur for free
- You maintain relative brightness when compositing an image/texture with opacity (easily seen in the reduction of contrast in a semi-transparent image over black in a non-linear space)
- Linear fades or addition of images/colours behaves as it does in the real world. Convoluted example, and I understand this is not applicable for everyone, but here's two images, and their sum when using linear sRGB. It looks right; it makes life easier.
![linear add](

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