Re: [csswg-drafts] [cssom-view] scrollingElement quirksmode description looks wrong... a typo I think? (#5326)

Firefox implements what the spec says

Element* Document::GetScrollingElement() {
  // Keep this in sync with IsScrollingElement.
  if (GetCompatibilityMode() == eCompatibility_NavQuirks) {
    RefPtr<HTMLBodyElement> body = GetBodyElement();
    if (body && !IsPotentiallyScrollable(body)) {
      return body;
    return nullptr;
  return GetRootElement();

And Chromium does something similar (but doesn't check the `overflow` of the root element):;drc=d2d9d94b1b8a0174ff40bf5475a4bcd15d5f9484;l=1693-1710

Element* Document::ScrollingElementNoLayout() {
  if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::ScrollTopLeftInteropEnabled()) {
    if (InQuirksMode()) {
      DCHECK(!IsActive() ||
             lifecycle_.GetState() >= DocumentLifecycle::kStyleClean);
      HTMLBodyElement* body = FirstBodyElement();
      if (body && body->GetLayoutObject() &&
        return nullptr;
      return body;
    return documentElement();
  return body();

Note `ScrollTopLeftInterop` is enabled by default, and `HasOverflowClip()` checks if `overflow` is not `visible`.

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Received on Saturday, 25 July 2020 13:32:54 UTC