Re: [csswg-drafts] Allow specifying the "accent color" of a form control element (#5187)

Thinking about how that would apply to some of the examples listed in the document where current implementations don't use the accent color, but which a future design might like to: in Chrome, the activation widgets in some `input` elements are shown as a black icon on top of whatever background color the element has.  If an updated form control design were to take accent-color into account, then I could imagine the design being

* render a background color behind the icon, in the accent-color, and then automatically choosing black or white for the icon itself
* render a black or white background color behind the icon, and using accent-color for the icon itself

or something like that.  Of course there's a whole range of designs you could come up with, but I'm not certain that the accent being composed of two (hopefully contrasting!) author specified colors is necessary.

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Received on Wednesday, 22 July 2020 01:53:47 UTC