Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-pseudo-4] ::first-letter should include space separators (#5154)

I'll look around for some examples. Perhaps i can rope in some help from folks in France, but Florian may also know where to look. 

One thing to consider: the space between punctuation and text in French is commonly not an ordinary space, but rather a NNBSP or other such thinner spaces.  We might, just a thought off the top of my head, want to consider whether only these types of space trigger the text to be kept together – which would probably address the concern of @plinss  for false positives, _if_ that turns out to be a significant concern, but we'd also need to ensure that those spaces are captured in any rules.

Wrt current behaviour, i have some results and a link to a test that cover the 3 main engines and 3 types of space, at

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Received on Wednesday, 15 July 2020 18:10:07 UTC