Re: [csswg-drafts] Let’s Define CSS 4 (#4770)

>For this to be successful, I think it needs to focus more on defining what sets of CSS features are actually supported in some subset of (currently available) browsers/versions and less on trying to coordinate with browser vendors to all support a set of CSS features on a timeline that allows it to be "marketed" ahead of release

That works too. What I was trying to say was that we don't want to define a CSS version as a set of features that isn't informed by what people can use in the wild. One way to do that is to coordinate with vendors. Another is to publicize a version when it's got a threshold of support, which is likely easier. 

As for "_... it will still be up to the front line dev to make a judgement call on what version to use/support based on their particular audience"_ of course it will. But knowing that a feature has broad support is a  way to know "Hey, I can probably use that..." and for front line devs to a) hear about it at all (most of us don't lurk on the CSSWG comms) and b) it differentiates between a features that has broad support and one that is some earlier stage of development and doesn't work in released browsers. 

That's the main value of a versioned CSS release to me. It's a very public way of saying "This stuff is ready for broad use" vs  "Here's some new stuff that might or might not work in the wild." That has value because it encourages us to check out the newer advancements in CSS and not simply use CSS3 plus a few widely known things without expecting us to keep up on the release and supported status of every new feature.

A CSS4 or CSS2020 or whatever will almost certainly get wide coverage on the sites that we read and we can easily spin up on what the new stuff is in one place at one time vs having to keep up on a constant, steady drip of new features. 

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Received on Wednesday, 26 February 2020 18:44:57 UTC