Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-color-adjust-1] Define what happens to SVG in forced colors mode (#3855)

I was hoping to re-address this issue, specifically regarding what should happen to SVG `<text>` in forced colors mode. After discussing this with @atanassov, there appear to be a couple concerns with setting `forced-color-adjust: auto;` for such elements:

1. Adjusting the styles for SVG textual elements creates an inconsistent experience when the rest of the SVG element is not being styled for forced colors mode.
2. More importantly, the backplate becomes difficult to define in this case. For example, what should the backplate look like for text on a path?

Considering this, I would suggest that we do not apply forced colors to SVG  `<text>`, and only apply `forced-color-adjust: auto;` to `<foreignObject>` SVG elements.

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Received on Tuesday, 4 February 2020 01:24:46 UTC