Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-grid] Note implies losing an aspect-ratio when it shouldn't? (#5713)

@fantasai This still seems somewhat confusing to me:

> If the grid item is a replaced element with a natural size in the relevant dimension (or with a preferred aspect ratio and a natural size in the other dimension) the grid item is sized as for align-self: start (consistent with the width calculation rules for block-level replaced elements in CSS 2 §10.3.4 Block-level, replaced elements in normal flow).
> Otherwise, if the grid item has a preferred aspect ratio, the grid item is sized as for a block-level box.

So what's the difference between being sized according to CSS 2 §10.3.4, and being sized "as for a block-level box", which will be as a replaced block-level box (per, which is precisely defined in CSS 2 §10.3.4? Why not say

> If the grid item is a replaced element with a natural size in the relevant dimension (or with a preferred aspect ratio <del>and a natural size in the other dimension</del>) the grid item is sized as for align-self: start (consistent with the width calculation rules for block-level replaced elements in CSS 2 §10.3.4 Block-level, replaced elements in normal flow).
> <del>Otherwise, if the grid item has a preferred aspect ratio, the grid item is sized as for a block-level box.</del>

What's the difference? It's quite late here so I may be missing something.

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