Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-sizing] clarification around Compressible Replaced Elements and min-content size (#5665)

>  As in, why should this replaced-element exception
> [...]apply[...]
>     * when there is no compat requirement?

FWIW, pushing back on this part: there is actually some amount of webcompat requirement for Chrome's behavior here.  See the list of "see also" webcompat bug reports at -- there are 9 distinct reports there right now, which include quite high-profile sites like [Yahoo](, [Bing](, [GitHub](], [NameCheap](, and [Heineken]( (the last of which is at least a big brand if not a big web presence).

That's part of why we're leaning towards switching Firefox to match Chrome's behavior (and the spec, to the extent that I understand it correctly). I suspect if instead Chrome switched to match Firefox, you'd end up needing to roll back the change due to webcompat fallout.

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