Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-values] Ability to address actual physical size (#614)

> Adding "true physical" units doesn't help here, because there's still no guarantee that the data we get from the OS about the screen's size is physically accurate

This is a defeatist attitude toward a chicken and egg situation. Hardware and software makers will have much lower motivation to provide accurate data if there is no standard around which to utilize that data. 

I agree that it will require time for support to build (perhaps even more time than most features), but that doesn’t mean the idea should just be abandoned. If any new feature was dismissed because it wouldn’t have proper support right away, we would never have any new features.

As I mentioned in [an earlier comment](

> even if some software environments don't currently access physical display info from the device, that isn’t a reason that none of them ever should. Windows 10 is already providing access to physical measurements for native apps via the [RawDpi property]( Why shouldn’t websites be able to leverage the same info?

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Received on Monday, 6 April 2020 10:12:30 UTC